Windshield Repair
A new windshield is not always neccesary. Our windshield repair services are convenient, effective, and most importantly safe. We can repair chips, cracks, and nicks that are no longer than 7 inches long. Our installers can fix a damaged windshield in longer than 45 minutes and sometimes taking less than 30 minutes depending on the severity.
It's Affordable
Repairing a damaged windshield is great value when comparing costs, only if the windshield is within reason of being fixable. If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, you can choose to have your damaged windshield repaired rather than replaced, most insurance companies will waive your deductible, leaving no costs for you. As always, our windshield repairs are guaranteed against leakage for the lifetime of your windshield.
Quality Repairs
Quality matters when it comes to fixing a windshield with a chip or crack. Our installers at Mt Top Glass are certified to repair any windshield with the highest quality materials. Our auto glass installers perform more windshield repairs than other local auto glass companies so we know how to save you money without sacrificing quality.
Our Pledge
At Mt. Top Glass we strive to provide our customers with "safety, service, and satisfaction" where you the customer will always receive "quality service and installation," not quantity installations. "Your safety is our #1 concern"
Auto Glass Services
We will waive $100 off your deductible, just ask us about it in when you pay. All major insurance companies are accepted.